Message from the Co-Chairs

Read a welcome message from our campaign co-chairs.

Welcome to the Curing Coma Campaign! The purpose of the Curing Coma Campaign is to develop a platform for two interrelated goals: (1) to advance and focus the science of acute disorders of consciousness towards identifying and testing therapeutic interventions; and (2) to facilitate collaboration across an enduring community of healthcare providers, scientists, and advocates to test and implement these advances.

Claude Hemphill
San Francisco, USA
Co-chair, Curing Coma Campaign

DaiWai Olson
Dallas, USA
Co-chair, Curing Coma Campaign

We define “curing coma” as promoting recovery of consciousness through early intervention and long-term support. The Curing Coma Campaign is organized into numerous scientific and administrative working groups and modules tasked with working towards realizing this grand challenge. There is a place for everyone in the Curing Coma Campaign, whether it is participating as a research investigator, telling a Story of Hope, attending World Coma Day, or donating to the Neurocritical Care Foundation and its support of Curing Coma. Please join us!