Publications deriving directly from the Curing Coma Campaign or associated collaborations
1. Provencio JJ, Hemphill JC, Claassen J, Edlow BL, Helbok R, Vespa PM, Diringer MN, Polizzotto L, Shutter L, Suarez JI, Stevens RD, Hanley DF, Akbari Y, Bleck TP, Boly M, Foreman B, Giacino JT, Hartings JA, Human T, Kondziella D, Ling GSF, Mayer SA, McNett M, Menon DK, Meyfroidt G, Monti MM, Park S, Pouratian N, Puybasset L, Rohaut B, Rosenthal ES, Schiff ND, Sharshar T, Wagner A, Whyte J, Olson DM, on behalf of the Neurocritical Care Society Curing Coma Campaign. The Curing Coma Campaign: Framing Initial Scientific Challenges-Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign Scientific Advisory Council Meeting. Neurocritical Care 2020;33(1):1-12.
2. Claassen J, Akbari Y, Alexander S, Bader MK, Bell K, Bleck TP, Boly M, Brown J, Chou SH, Diringer MN, Edlow BL, Foreman B, Giacino JT, Gosseries O, Green T, Greer DM, Hanley DF, Hartings JA, Helbok R, Hemphill JC, Hinson HE, Hirsch K, Human T, James ML, Ko N, Kondziella D, Livesay S, Madden LK, Mainali S, Mayer SA, McCredie V, McNett MM, Meyfroidt G, Monti MM, Muehlschlegel S, Murthy S, Nyquist P, Olson DM, Provencio JJ, Rosenthal E, Sampaio Silva G, Sarasso S, Schiff ND, Sharshar T, Shutter L, Stevens RD, Vespa P, Videtta W, Wagner A, Ziai W, Whyte J, Zink E, Suarez JI, and the Curing Coma Campaign. Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness. Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):4-23.
3. Edlow BL, Sanz LRD, Polizzotto L, Pouratian N, Rolston JD, Snider SB, Thibaut A, Stevens RD, Gosseries O, the Curing Coma Campaign and its contributing members. Therapies to Restore Consciousness in Patients with Severe Brain Injuries: A Gap Analysis and Future Directions. Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):68-85.
4. Hammond FM, Katta-Charles S, Russell MB, Zafonte RD, Claassen J, Wagner AK, Puybasset L, Egawa S, Laureys S, Diringer M, Stevens RD, the Curing Coma Campaign and its contributing members. Research Needs for Prognostic Modeling and Trajectory Analysis in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):55-67.
5. Kondziella D, Menon DK, Helbok R, Naccache L, Othman MH, Rass V, Rohaut B, Diringer MN, Stevens RD, the contributing collaborators of the Curing Coma Campaign. A Precision Medicine Framework for Classifying Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: Advanced Classification of Consciousness Endotypes (ACCESS). Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):27-36.
6. Luppi AI, Cain J, Spindler LRB, Gorska UJ, Toker D, Hudson AE, Brown EN, Diringer MN, Stevens RD, Massimini M, Monti MM, Stamatakis EA, Boly M, and the Curing Coma Campaign and its Contributing Collaborators. Mechanisms Underlying Disorders of Consciousness: Bridging Gaps to Move Toward an Integrated Translational Science. Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):37-54.
7. Olson DM, Hemphill JC, 3rd, and the Curing Coma Campaign and its Executive Committee. The Curing Coma Campaign: Challenging the Paradigm for Disorders of Consciousness. Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):1-3.
8. Stevens RD, Diringer MN. Coma Science: The Territory and the Map. Neurocritical Care 2021;35(Suppl 1):24-26.
9. Goss AL, Hemphill JC, 3rd, Geocadin RG. ANA Podcasts & Webinars: Curing Coma. Annals of Neurology 2022;92(1):1-2.
10. Helbok R, Rass V, Beghi E, Bodien YG, Citerio G, Giacino JT, Kondziella D, Mayer SA, Menon D, Sharshar T, Stevens RD, Ulmer H, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Vespa P, McNett M, Frontera J, and the Curing Coma Campaign and its Contributing Members. The Curing Coma Campaign International Survey on Coma Epidemiology, Evaluation, and Therapy (COME TOGETHER). Neurocritical Care 2022;37(1):47-59.
11. Kondziella D, Amiri M, Othman MH, Beghi E, Bodien YG, Citerio G, Giacino JT, Mayer SA, Lawson TN, Menon DK, Rass V, Sharshar T, Stevens RD, Tinti L, Vespa P, McNett M, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Helbok R, the Curing Coma Campaign Collaborators. Incidence and prevalence of coma in the UK and the USA. Brain Communications 2022;4(5):fcac188.
12. Lewis A, Claassen J, Illes J, Jox RJ, Kirschen M, Rohaut B, Trevick S, Young MJ, Fins JJ, and the Curing Coma Campaign and its contributing members. Ethics Priorities of the Curing Coma Campaign: An Empirical Survey. Neurocritical Care 2022;37(1):12-21.
13. Mainali S, Aiyagari V, Alexander S, Bodien Y, Boerwinkle V, Boly M, Brown E, Brown J, Claassen J, Edlow BL, Fink EL, Fins JJ, Foreman B, Frontera J, Geocadin RG, Giacino J, Gilmore EJ, Gosseries O, Hammond F, Helbok R, Claude Hemphill J, Hirsch K, Kim K, Laureys S, Lewis A, Ling G, Livesay SL, McCredie V, McNett M, Menon D, Molteni E, Olson D, O'Phelan K, Park S, Polizzotto L, Javier Provencio J, Puybasset L, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Robertson C, Rohaut B, Rubin M, Sharshar T, Shutter L, Sampaio Silva G, Smith W, Stevens RD, Thibaut A, Vespa P, Wagner AK, Ziai WC, Zink E, Suarez JI, the Curing Coma Campaign collaborators. Proceedings of the Second Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness. Neurocritical Care 2022;37(1):326-350.
14. Olson DM, Hemphill JC, Provencio JJ, Vespa P, Mainali S, Polizzotto L, Kim KS, McNett M, Ziai W, Suarez JI, and the Curing Coma Campaign Collaborators. The Curing Coma Campaign and the Future of Coma Research. Seminars in Neurology 2022;42(3):393-402.
15. Boerwinkle VL, Schor NF, Slomine BS, Molteni E, Ramirez JM, Rasmussen L, Wyckoff SN, Gonzalez MJ, Gillette K, Schober ME, Wainwright M, Suarez JI. Proceedings of the First Pediatric Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Symposium by the Curing Coma Campaign, Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group, and NINDS: Gearing for Success in Coma Advancements for Children and Neonates. Neurocritical Care 2023;38(2):447-469.
16. Kreitzer N, Murtaugh B, Creutzfeldt C, Fins JJ, Manley G, Sarwal A, Dangayach N. Prognostic humility and ethical dilemmas after severe brain injury: Summary, recommendations, and qualitative analysis of Curing Coma Campaign virtual event proceedings. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2023;17:1128656.
17. Lewis A, Young MJ, Rohaut B, Jox RJ, Claassen J, Creutzfeldt CJ, Illes J, Kirschen M, Trevick S, Fins JJ, and The Curing Coma Campaign and its Contributing Members. Ethics Along the Continuum of Research Involving Persons with Disorders of Consciousness. Neurocritical Care 2023.
18. Luppi AI, Cabral J, Cofre R, Mediano PAM, Rosas FE, Qureshi AY, Kuceyeski A, Tagliazucchi E, Raimondo F, Deco G, Shine JM, Kringelbach ML, Orio P, Ching S, Sanz-Perl Y, Diringer MN, Stevens RD, Sitt JD. Computational modelling in disorders of consciousness: closing the gap towards personalised models for restoring consciousness. Neuroimage 2023:120162.
19. Provencio JJ. Neurocritical Care Research: Collaborations for Curing Coma. Critical Care Clinics 2023;39(1):47-54.
20. Barra ME, Zink EK, Bleck TP, Caceres E, Farrokh S, Foreman B, Cediel EG, Hemphill JC, Nagayama M, Olson DM, Suarez JI, Curing Coma Campaign, its Contributing Members. Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Hospital Course, Confounders, and Medications. Neurocritical Care 2023.
21. Beqiri E, Badjatia N, Ercole A, Foreman B, Hu P, Hu X, LaRovere K, Meyfroidt G, Moberg D, Robba C, Rosenthal E, Smielewski P, Wainwright MS, Park S, Curing Coma C, its Contributing Members. Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Physiology and Big Data. Neurocritical Care 2023.
22. Carroll EE, Der-Nigoghossian C, Alkhachroum A, Appavu B, Gilmore E, Kromm J, Rohaut B, Rosanova M, Sitt JD, Claassen J, Curing Coma C, its Contributing Members. Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Electrophysiology Working Group. Neurocritical Care 2023.
23. Cho SM, Robba C, Diringer MN, Hanley DF, Hemphill JC, Horn J, Lewis A, Livesay SL, Menon D, Sharshar T, Stevens RD, Torner J, Vespa PM, Ziai WC, Spann M, Helbok R, Suarez JI, Curing Coma C, its Contributing Members. Optimal Design of Clinical Trials Involving Persons with Disorders of Consciousness. Neurocritical Care 2023.
24. Claassen J, Kondziella D, Alkhachroum A, Diringer M, Edlow BL, Fins JJ, Gosseries O, Hannawi Y, Rohaut B, Schnakers C, Stevens RD, Thibaut A, Monti M, Curing Coma C, its Contributing Members. Cognitive Motor Dissociation: Gap Analysis and Future Directions. Neurocritical Care 2023.
25. Edlow BL, Boerwinkle VL, Annen J, Boly M, Gosseries O, Laureys S, Mukherjee P, Puybasset L, Stevens RD, Threlkeld ZD, Newcombe VFJ, Fernandez-Espejo D, and the Curing Coma C, its Contributing Members. Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Neuroimaging. Neurocritical Care 2023.
26. Jaffa MN, Kirsch HL, Creutzfeldt CJ, Guanci M, Hwang DY, LeTavec D, Mahanes D, Natarajan G, Steinberg A, Zahuranec DB, Muehlschlegel S, Curing Coma Campaign, its Contributing Members. Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Goals-of-Care and Family/Surrogate Decision-Maker Data. Neurocritical Care 2023.
27. Yakhkind A, Niznick N, Bodien YG, Hammond FM, Katz D, Luaute J, McNett M, Naccache L, O'Brien K, Schnakers C, Sharshar T, Slomine BS, Giacino JT, Curing Coma C, its Contributing Members. Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Behavioral Phenotyping. Neurocritical Care 2023.